Sunday, October 12, 2008


Richfield is pretty much the best place ever. Here is how to get to it.

If that doesn't really clear things up for you, please refer to other sources like, or


Alecia said...

hey i like the blog! very cute. I loved reading about how he proposed to you. That's cute. I also like the ring. I got your announcement and it was adorable. You two look happy and I am happy for you! CONGRATS

Anonymous said...

Matt and SherRon-
Your wedding was absolutely beautiful (especially the bride). Congratulations to you guys. Take care and keep us updated through your blog.

With Love-


Unknown said...

Are you sure Richfield is the best place ever? I mean it has a Walmart which redeems it somewhat but it's in the middle of nowhere. :) Hope you guys had a great honeymoon and so much fun watching Phantom.

Anonymous said...

hey i know where that is. lol i didn't know you were a blogger. awesome